Center for Language Studies

World Languages and Cultures ~ WLC

World Languages and Cultures (WLC) offers a variety of languages including American Sign Language, Arabic, English for International Teaching Assistants, Hindi, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, Urdu and Yoruba. You can find WLC faculty offices and classrooms at 195 Angell Street.

WLC faculty teach all levels of language from beginner to advanced. They also offer first-year seminars and courses taught in English about their language and culture. You can use your knowledge of all WLC languages to fulfill the language requirement for the Certificate in Intercultural Competence.   To learn about all of our language courses and to meet our faculty check out the information below!

Languages Offered Through WLC

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual-spatial language that utilizes “the shape, placement, and movement of the hands” along with non-manual markers (facial expressions, mouth morphemes, and body movement) to convey information and communicate complex ideas.
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Hindi is the second most widely spoken language of the world. You’ll be able to have a conversation with more than 700 million friends!
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Persian is a thriving modern language spoken by over 110 million people across the Middle East and Central Asia. Once a language of high cultural prestige and the language of choice for many empires, it was a dominant lingua franca from Turkey in the West to India in the East until at least the 18th century.
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Swahili is important as a lingua franca in Africa and is spoken by over 140 million people. It is the national or official language of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and is spoken in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Comoro Islands, Malawi, east Zaire, southern Somalia, northern Mozambique, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Northern Zambia.
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Brown University is one of the few North American institutions to benefit from a Turkish program. The Turkish Program offers courses from elementary to advanced levels.
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