Center for Language Studies

English Language Courses

Placement in all EINT courses is determined by the English proficiency evaluation. 

English For Internationals (EINT) Course Descriptions


EINT 2100: Academic Discourse for Internationals develops the English skills of first-year international graduate students who are preparing to be teaching assistants. Students improve their listening comprehension and fluency in conversational interactions typical of academic settings. Areas of spoken English that are addressed include pronunciation, stress patterns, intonation, vocabulary, and structure. Instructor permission required.

EINT 2200: Academic Interactions develops the English language skills of first-year international graduate students who are preparing to be teaching assistants. Students improve their fluency and expression of complex ideas in a variety of linguistic situations typical of classroom interactions. Students also increase their control of vocabulary, pronunciation and listening comprehension when communicating with American undergraduates. Instructor permission required.

EINT 2300:Negotiating an American Classroom develops international graduate students’ abilities to communicate accurately and fluently in English with American undergraduates. International students develop their ability to interact, in culturally appropriate ways, in a variety of teaching situations common to an institution of higher education, where they are responsible for expressing and explaining complex information and ideas in English. Instructor permission required.

EINT 2400: Speaking Professionally for Internationals develops the English communication skills of international graduate students with an emphasis on intelligibility of speech and clarity of expression in a variety of teaching and professional situations (e.g. presenting material, responding to questions, directing discussions). Students develop increased facility of English in extended discourse when they are the authority in a teaching or other professional context. Instructor permission required.

EINT 2500:Advanced Articulation Tutorial is an advanced pronunciation tutorial for international graduate students who have achieved a near-native speaker level of fluency in English, but who require greater precision of English articulations, pronunciation, fluency and/or expression. Instructor permission required.